Sabtu, 30 April 2011


that's the real one . thank you for made me aware with this situation . finally I know what to do .

Jumat, 29 April 2011

reply this with a silent


I didn't know what to do with this chat on YM . I wrote nothing -,- just looked my laptop screen and watched he sent many messages , and finally I off YM without replied it . I want say sorry to you , I don't want make a mistake again . you want meet me and I want meet you , as a friend of course .

Selasa, 19 April 2011


apa definisi rokok itu ? selinting tembakau yang dibungkus oleh kertas dan sidumbat oleh gabus dan dibakar kemudian dihisap , apakah begitu ? atau hanya , selinting uang yang ditukarkan dengan tembakau dan akhirnya di uamh itu dibakar menghasilkan asap . definisi rokok menurutku ada pada definisi kedua . ya , itu uang mu yang kau bakar dan hisap dan akhirnya menjadi kepulan asap yang mengganggu orang lain .

apa keuntungan merokok ? ada yang bisa menjelaskan padaku apa saja keuntungannya ? yakinkan aku kalau merokok itu lebih banyak untungnya daripada ruginya . sejauh yang aku tau , aku hanya sering mendengarkan terdapat banyak kerugian setelah orang menjadi pecandu rokok . maaf , mungkin pabrik2 rokok banyak disini sehingga banyak pula orang yang bekerja disana , tapi singkirkan sebentar kenyataan itu . sekarang lebih banyak orang yang beruntung atau orang yang menderita karena rokok ? sekarang pikirkan , kalian akan terkena dampak dari merokok itu , cepat atau lambat . tidak pernahkah kalian berpikir kalian juga membahayakan orang terkena dampak dari rokok kalian , hei sang perokok ? aku tahu kalian pasti tau apa dampak dari merokok dan juga dampak dari perokok pasif . ya , LEBIH BAHAYA MENJADI PEROKOK PASIF DARIPADA PEROKOK ITU SENDIRI . mengertikah kalian bahwa menurut saya merokok itu sangat , SANGAT EGOIS ? perokok tidak pernah berpikir panjang . hanya mau enaknya saja , sorry , that's what I feel .

lalu , darimanakah uang yang kalian dapatkan untuk membeli rokok . uang kalian sendiri ? hai kalian para pelajar , sudah bisakah kalian membeli sebatang rokok dengan uang hasil peluh kalian sendiri ? taukah kalian kalian telah membakar uang yang dihasilkan oleh orang tua kalian dengan membanting tulang ? berpikirlah !
aku memang tidak suka seorang perokok , bukan berarti aku akan menjauhi mereka . aku tidak melarang , tapi hanya mengingatkan . ya , sekali lagi aku memang tidak suka. banyak teman disekitarku adalah pecandu rokok . setiap hari mereka menghabiskan beberapa batang atau mungkin beberapa bungkus rokok . untuk apa semua itu ? untuk BERGAYA kah ? mengikuti trend ? untuk dihargai dan disegani teman karena kalian adalah seorang perokok ? KAMPUNGAN ! kalian hanya akan mempersingkat hidup , hanya akan merusak tubuh , hanya akan membuat orang lain sakit , hanya akan membuat orang lain dan kalian sendiri mengeluh . PIKIRKAN !

aku ingin teman2ku sadar kalau merokok itu todak baik , buat apa merokok ? pikirkan itu lagi . aku hanya ingin orang2 yang aku sayangi sehat , tidak membuang2 uang hanya untuk membeli se-pak barang TIDAK PENTING yang hanya akan merusak tubuh sendiri dn orang lain . meskipun terkadang kalian hanya minta kepada teman .

mungkin banyak yang tidak setuju atau marah membaca tulisan ini , tapi maaf , saya hanya ingin menyampaikan apa yang saya rasakan saat ini . kemuakan saya akan orang2 yang saya sayangi karena mereka mulai mencoba rokok . lebih baik jangan , say mohon ~

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

conversation with my teacher

when I turn on my facebook chat , I found one of my teachers on line. one off my crazy teacher who like to teased me . everyday he teases me when we met . sometimes it very funny but sometimes it got annoyed , huh -,-

you can read today I teased him back , it's very funny . I laught out loud . that's the picture of my conversation . if you understand Java language , maybe you understand what I talking about . I asked why he didn't have any plan to go out , it was Saturday Night . time to get happy , come out with your friend aour have a date with your GF or BF . but he said he couldn't walk and I asked him to "NGESOT" haha . sorry sir , I'm very impolite :p

Jumat, 15 April 2011

h - 2 final exam

#prayforSisca everyone , I got sick :( my body got warm , and I felt so unconfortable with my body . breathing with the only one side of my nose . ugh , it's so bother me now . I have final examination for my Senior High School on monday , and I'm sure if my "hatchi-hatchi" don't come good I cann't concentrate with my test .

please #prayforSisca . I want be health next monday .

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Hilo Green Reporter !

hello readers , thanks for always visiting my blog . would you like to help me ? please look at this my friends video . they following a competition that name is Hilo Green Reporter . vote this video if you like . and thanks for watching it . you're one click to this video are very mean for my friends . enjoy the video :)

this is the first video .

and this is the second .

Selasa, 12 April 2011

I missing something (!)

sometimes you cann't avoid one thing that make you happy , make you in love or make you disappointed , or make you missing to someone who adore . but , do you know that I missing something that make me "miss you" ? I don't know why I can past it . but clearly I say that time help me to missing someone that I adore . people who don't know me very well maybe say that I cruel or something, or maybe they ask me "are you kidding that you didn't miss someone that you adore ? you didn't love him !" no , no . I adore him , and I love him . much . but he ask me to forget this feeling and woppie , I can past one important thing . just need time for it . don't judge me I wouldn't hold on with my feeling for him , I just to too tired . maybe I JUST STOP SHOWING , people :)

he still would be a part of life and love my story , exactly . no one can replace him , no one can be like him . and no one can be him ! he's one , always the one . thanks for the everything you gave to me . and never hurt me , it just this feeling that me feel hurt . just remember , someday I will miss you and you will miss me . but now , I don't want miss you . I still have the same feeling like yesterday by the way . I just learn how I can life with my own self without bother you .

would you tell me do I wrong or false in this part ? maybe you will happy reading this post . you will say that I take a right way to forgetting you .. I know you have someone you like . and you don't want me to bother you . so I let you free , I don't want this feeling guiding you . but , if you have a same feeling don't be so shy to talk to me that you have it and miss me . you know where I'm . and maybe I still have this feeling you , save it for you :) don't be afraid to express something in your heart , if you afraid you must ready to hurt , disappointed and maybe you don't have anything . I always struggle to guide my feeling for you , even I stop showing it just ask me to knowing the truth .

I can't lie yo everyone that I overprotective to you , and now you can compare that I'm not overprotect anymore . you free now . I'm sorry for everything that I did in the past . you will happy without me , and I will happy without you . maybe I will more happy if I can in your side until ? ah , it's a big imagine . we don't know what will happen in tomorrow , people just can predic it . so , just let it flow .

good night love , see you when I feel missing you . sleep tight and have a blessed dream . Love ya :)

Senin, 11 April 2011

That's a sweet memories

thanks god for give a chance to met they
a very happy second family I have
what a sweet memori !

Jumat, 08 April 2011

it's your right , but don't do that now :(

I know everybody has a right to in love with someone .
I don't have any might to ban that .
yeah , I know that . but , no one can't change what I feel too !
I let you go , step by step , throw this feeling to you to a kingdom far-far away even it can .
and maybe you have a *click to your sister in school like I said before .
it make me jelous but CERTAINLY I cann't ban you of course !
it's you right like I said before , but please .
don't show that you're interest to her in front of me now, 3 times you show her to me this day
it's make me jelous :(
and it show that you start to like her , she interested for you maybe .
but sorry , to say . I know I egoist to you , and I don't mean to do that to you .
do what you wanna do and like her if you have a feeling to her . I cann't ban . do that bee :(

urrrrrrrrrrgh , I don't know what to say .
I don't know again ! It's your right , maybe just do ..
don't think abot me , really ~

who is she ? maybe you know her , yes . her name was B***A

Kamis, 07 April 2011

silent didn't mean don't know anything ~

maybe somebody choice to hidden what feel even a part of it can be said with some pressure. I know you don't want to tell me about everything you feel , dear . and if you know , I also hidden somethings that I can tell you too . is it fair ? yes of course , cause everybody has a privacy right ?

but , even I silent but didn't mean I don't know everything that you did. and , may I jelous to you ? I feel that you're started to like you sister in school . yeah , she is at first level of high school on your Senior High . maybe I'm wrong but it just that I feel . I know you sent a messages to her , asked for a pray and apologized about something (maybe you didn't) even you don't know her you said that it's not "afdol" if you didn't sent that message EKSLUSIVE ..

yes , dear . I'm jelous to her . thanks !

Rabu, 06 April 2011

samsons - luluh

Samsons ~ luluh

saat terindah saat bersamamu
begitu lelapnya aku pun terbuai
sebenarnya aku tlah berharap
ku kan memiliki dirimu selamanya

segenap hatiku luluh lantak
mengiringi dukaku yang kehilangan dirimu
sungguh ku tak mampu
tuk meredam kepedihan hatiku
untuk merelakan kepergianmu

ingin kuyakini cinta ta kan berakhir
namun takdir menuliskan kita harus berakhir

segenap hatiku luluh lantak
mengiringi dukaku yang kehilangan dirimu
sungguh ku tak mampu tuk meredam kepedihan hatiku
untuk merelakan kepergianmu

ku tak sanggup merelakanmu..
segenap hatiku luluh lantak
mengiringi dukaku yang kehilangan dirimu
sungguh ku tak mampu
tuk meredam kepedihan hatiku
untuk merelakan kepergianmu

Selasa, 05 April 2011

tentang sebuah rasa

menunggu itu sangat menyakitkan , tidak mengenakkan
tapi tak selamanya menunggu seperti itu
hanya perlu kesabaran sejenak untuk menunggu
karena menunggu adalah awal dari adanya sebuah harapan
harapan yang akan kita gantungkan
untuk mengetahui sebuah jawaban yang pasti :)

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Hanya Memandang

yang bisa ku hanya memandang
mengagumi indahnya hadirmu
tak bisa ku mengungkapkan
betapa dalam rasa yang kurasakan
Tuhan ku sungguh bahagia bila ku bersamanya
tak mengapa ku tak bisa ungkapkan cinta di hati
yang ku harap kau mengerti arti perhatianku slama ini

taukah kamu bahwa diriku sungguh-sungguh sayang padamu..
taukah kamu betapa dalam rasa rinduku pada dirimu..
yang bisa ku , hanya memandang..